Do you have a troubled septic system?
Do you have challenging soils or a difficult site?
Let's consider the options together.

As a Certified Professional Soil Scientist and a Pennsylvania-Certified Sewage Enforcement Officer, I regularly perform soils and groundwater-related evaluations. The types of services that I routinely perform include:
Soil evaluations and percolation testing for onlot septic systems
Soil morphologic evaluations for shallow-limiting zone systems
Evaluations to support sewage facilities and subdivision planning
Inspections and evaluations of failing and/or malfunctioning onlot systems
Designs of conventional and alternate onlot septic systems
Evaluations and testing for stormwater infiltration BMPs
When I was in college, I determined that I'd never be involved with onlot septic systems. However, over the past 25 years, I've come to see the important connection between onlot systems, the soils that support them, and the homeowners and businesses that rely upon these systems. The services that I provide play a significant role in resolving issues and in providing viable onlot solutions for families and business that don't have access to central sewage.
Properly sited and designed septic systems help to ensure the quality of the ground water and surface waters, including well water/drinking water that is vital in rural areas. Ultimately, functioning septic systems and clean drinking water sources allow my clients to enjoy the quality of life that they desire, and that brings me satisfaction.
Do you need help making important decisions?
Contact me today and let's consider the options together.
Serving Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, and Schuylkill Counties and beyond.
East Penn Soil Consulting LLC
Keith Valentine
196 S View Rd
Fleetwood, PA 19522


"For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory." Rom. 11:36
The requirements surrounding onlot septic systems can be confusing. I am glad to have my clients present to observe site evaluations and soils testing. This gives me an opportunity to show them the soil profile and discuss with them how soil characteristics play a role in renovating effluent and in determining the type of system that will ultimately serve their project.
Clients that better understand how the soils and their systems function have a clearer picture of what's really happening in the ground after their system is constructed. As a result, they are better equipped to maintain and extend the life of their systems, to protect their family's health and the environment.